My Philosophy

Your life is not a set of events that happen to you. The events happen and you get to choose how you act or react to them. As you become more consciously self aware- or fully present in the moment of the event- you begin to realize that you are in control of what situations you find yourself in and how you are going to act in response to them.

You find that you actually have a choice- your life is yours to make of it what you will. Will you choose to surround yourself with people and situations that keep you feeling uncomfortable, struggling or in pain? Or will you choose to surround yourself with people, environments and situations that support you, uplift you and create success and love in your life? 

When your emotions come up, they are letting you know whether you are comfortable and safe, feeling threatened, or whether a change needs to be made in your life. They are signaling to you what you need or what the truth of a situation is on a deep level. If you notice how your body tenses up or relaxes into a room, you get to choose whether you stay or go from that space, and whether its a healthy environment for you. 

The thoughts that run through your mind- not the ones on repeat, the lists, the doubts, the judgements- but the flashes of insight, the occurrences of inspiration, and the solutions to questions, those are all intuitive hits, letting you know you are on the right track. 

What you do in accordance with the feelings, thoughts and sensations you have- this is living in alignment with your sensory guidance system. This is the truth for you on a deep level. Tuning into your intuition (sensory guidance system) is like having an internal compass, pointing you in the direction of what you really want on a deep level.

You are a make-up of all the beliefs, thoughts, feelings and reactions to events that have happened up until this point in time. If your body and health is unbalanced, what events have created stress in your life? If you have patterns of unhealthy relationships, what did you learn about relationships through your parents or the first relationships you had? If you are struggling financially, what beliefs do you have around money and self-worth? Everything in your life today is a culmination of all that has happened so far and how you chose to react to it. 

Things that have happened in your past do not define you, but they can get stuck in your subconscious mind as limiting beliefs and emotional triggers that shape how you react in the world today. Therefore, stress in the body can turn to chronic aches or disease. Something once told to you at a young age can affect how you view yourself as a grown person. Traumatic events that happened in the past may affect how you think, feel and understand the world now.

However, your future does not have to be affected by your past. You can change your life today by allowing yourself to be in the present moment and not letting your past define you, letting those old stories go. Your actions create your future. Are you going to continue to react according to patterns and triggers of the past, or act according to how you would like to be right now to create a future you desire?

You have the power to create your future and live a healthy life. The key is to find those things that may have you stuck reacting to a past event, here in the present moment. These old reactions are creating a pattern in your life that no longer serves you. Once you disrupt the pattern with awareness, you can move forward, acting from the present moment consciously, rather than from an unconscious defense mechanism from the past. You can take control of your life again, living from the present moment and consciously choosing your future.


What is an Intuitive Coaching Session?

An Intuitive Coaching Session begins when I tune into your energy field. Using my intuitive abilities, I read the energy on all levels (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual/subconscious) and assist you in seeing the big picture of what is going on in your life right now. Sometimes having a different perspective or a closer look into your life can be just the thing that gets you going in the right direction.

Feeling stuck or confused can be just a sign that you have yet to uncover conflicting beliefs in your subconscious mind that need to be acknowledged and shifted, so you can recognize the possibilities of moving forward clearly. 

Each session is unique according to what is personally happening in the moment for the individual. I focus on the patterns and influences in your life and help you to see the options of potential directions, so that you can see the most beneficial action to take to create the future you most desire. 

We can get to the core belief patterns and issues in your life and make the changes in your mindset and perspective that empower you to move forward into a future that you are consciously choosing and loving!


Preparing for a Session

Intuitive coaching sessions are intended to provide you with clarification and guidance. Before a session, ask yourself which areas and issues in your life are most important to you to address. Take a few minutes to write down any questions concerning your situation. Having this focus will help you clarify your intention for the session.

If you are ready, willing and committed to yourself and the steps that are necessary for growth, I'll be with you all the way. I am here to empower you to make the choices that are right for you and help you see that you have always had the answers inside you.

You've got this!