
You Are Worth It. Stop playing yourself down, compromising your needs and thinking that you need to prove yourself or make yourself better. Who you are is unique, beautiful, and valuable. There is no one else like you, with your perspective, your knowledge, and your influence in the world. What you offer is one of a kind.

If you find yourself in a situation where you are feeling replaceable and you are not being valued, you are not fully invested in yourself and what you are putting out into the world. Whether it’s a job position that requires little of you and therefore can be done by anyone, or a relationship that is one dimensional, just for sex or just for companionship- these are things that you are not fully invested in, therefore, you will not be fully valued in them.

Knowing you are worth it means fully investing in yourself. It means knowing that what you have to offer is unique. It means valuing yourself enough that you consider your needs and communicate them. Honoring your gifts and offering them fully. Investing all of yourself completely into whatever it is you are doing and in return being valued for who you are. Let yourself be honored, loved, respected, paid, and given gifts. Be fully committed, fully engaged, and show up with all of yourself. What you put into each situation in your life is also what you will receive in return. You will come to know your worth as you show up, give and witness how valuable your presence is to those you have touched.


An Open Letter to those who are still searching for "The One"

Dear one,

I know how your heart yearns. It yearns to be held, to belong, to be filled with days of purpose and connection. There is a deep desire to find your partner, the one. The desire to be claimed, to be heard and seen. To be loved. The yearning can be so deep at times that it leaves an empty feeling in it's wake. A sadness. 

Instead of the feeling of fullness of this partnership, you are left day to day with just yourself. Maybe a string of relationships that don't pan out. Maybe long stretches of solitude. Always wondering, when is it going to be my turn? Where is my partner? Why is it taking so long? Will it ever happen? Will I live out the rest of my life alone? Why do others seem to have it so easily? 

Dear one, I know you are hurting. I know you feel a sad emptiness. I know you want to be chosen. But it's not time yet. 

It's not time yet, because there is more for you to learn about loving yourself. The space is required in your life to give you time and energy that is needed for you to go into the depths of your own heart. It's time now to let go of all attachments to how you think it's supposed to be, so that you can be fully present for the moment it does show up. It requires you to stop searching outside of yourself.  It requires all of your attention. All of your love. So that you can show up fully with all of you.

This is so, because it may not look how you are expecting it to look. It may shatter the ideals you have built up and the boxes you desire to check. It may be even better than what you can imagine, but not at all what you were expecting. It requires you to love yourself deeply, to know fully what you need on a soul level. It requires you to let go of the fantasies, so that you can see the reality. The reality may not fit what you thought it was supposed to look like. Therefore, if you are not fully present, you might miss it. You might not recognize your partner if they walked up to you.

You haven't been ready. 

So take this time for yourself. Let go of the old patterns, the ideals, the boxes to check and the fantasies. Be with yourself. Get to know your own heart. Learn how comfortable it can feel in your own skin. Be the company that you love spending time with the most. Do the things that make you feel alive and passionate. Feel. 

Feel what it feels like to love deeply. Not for anything or anyone specifically. Just for the sake of knowing the depths of your own heart and understanding how capable you are of LOVE.

Be in a state of love within yourself, be fully present. In this state of being, you are available, you are ready. 

So have patience, my dear. The time is coming for this to unfold and it will be your turn. Show up to what is present in your life right now. Love yourself deeply. Choose yourself. And let it unfold in perfect timing. 

The Power of Choice

You have the power to choose anything you want in life. Choice is your power. Anywhere in you that is attached to the pleasure or pain of things that keep you small and in your old story- examine those parts of yourself and look at how this effects you. Not from a place of judgement, but from a place of witnessing the story. If you are witness to it, instead of being inside it, playing a part in it, you can see it for what it is. You can direct your life and make choices that will change the circumstances of the story. You are not your story. You are a powerful being that can change anything in your life with a decision.


You are here to explore the nature of reality and beauty in all its forms. Everything has a pattern, every pattern is beautiful. Look closely at the design of Life and you will see that it is perfect. Each moment in time is being created from the last, creating a design like patterns on fabric. Every choice you make adds to the beauty of this fabric design of life. Whatever you choose is not right or wrong, is it just a different choice, making a new pattern in the design of your life. You are here to experience all of it. Even messy choices are part of the pattern of creation and can be celebrated for their beauty.

Expectations and Being Met

We all desire to be met. Expectations arise when your desire to be met comes up against something different- a person who operates uniquely and whose needs are different from your own. Feeling hurt or disappointed that someone is not capable or willing to meet you keeps you small in your perspective- thinking that another must show up and be capable in the same ways you are. If you take a step back and see truly what they are offering or not capable of offering, you broaden your perspective and can interact with them based on honoring your needs and honoring their capabilities. You will see that if they are not capable of meeting your needs, you can not expect them to do so. You can interact individually with those who show up and meet you vs. those who operate differently than you, without taking it personally. The ones that operate differently than you do- allow them to be who they are and meet them only in the places that you naturally meet. Allow the differences to be what they are, while holding space for yourself to be met by others in the ways you need to be met. The ones that show up and meet you naturally- these are the relationships to hold close to your heart.

Fear is an Amazing Gift

Fear is an amazing gift. Fear is telling you that you've come up against a growth edge. You are looking past what you've known, what is safe. You are staring into the unknown. The place of possibility is right in front of you, but anything can happen and you have to risk losing everything that you know in order to experience that which you don't know yet. 

If you are feeling fear- ask this fear what it wants to tell you. It has a story for you, a reason why it's coming up. Maybe in the past you experienced something that was deeply painful and the fear wants to keep you safe from feeling that pain again. Maybe there is something you've never done before and the fear is trying to make sure you don't feel the pain of failure or embarrassment from doing this new thing the wrong way. 

Love this fear. Let it know that it's safe to feel afraid. Let it know that it's safe to learn from old pain and disappointments. It is safe to do it wrong and try again. It is safe to be in a dangerous situation and walk away or create boundaries around what you will and will not subject yourself to. 

If this fear is present, there is nothing you need to do other than to be with the fear. Any actions you take while in fear will only be a desperate act out of fear, an action taken in fear. 

The true actions come when you are no longer in fear and instead are in a peaceful state, a state of love. These actions from a peaceful state will feel clear and right, bringing you where you need to be in the next step of creating the things you most desire in your life. 

Let yourself be with the fear, acknowledge it, love it and finally, once you see the truth of the fear- once you see that there is nothing to be afraid of because you have stopped identifying with the fear and now there is nothing to lose- you let it go. 

Once you let go of fear, there is room for the next action step to show up. It becomes clear how to move forward in love and take inspired action towards what you really want to create in your life. 

Key to living: knowing who you are and what you want

You are not that job description, that angry reaction, or the victim of that traumatic event. You are something more than that, more fluid, glorious and powerful than that. 

You are a unique energy pattern. One perspective of consciousness that feels, sees, knows and behaves from your point of view. Only you know the full experience of yourself and your life.

You get to decide how you will be in any moment. You get to respond to every stimulus, event, person and interaction in the way that feels best for you. That is your choice to make. 

All of the external influences, energies and experiences are there, in existence, but how you attach meaning to them or identify with them is up to you. You can just as easily pivot in another direction as you can embrace what is before you. Even in chains there is freedom. 

Inside you is this spark of life force energy that moves and generates experience. Eventually, each act, each breath, each emotion and moment, adds up to a life-time. How you spend your time creates this life. 

There is no right or wrong, there is only you and what you desire to do with your time. Love, connect, explore, play, get angry or sad, get excited, be reckless, be open, be closed. Be wise, be foolish. Anything and everything that exists is yours to experience. And, just because something exists doesn't mean that has to be a part of your personal experience. 

What do you truly want out of this life of yours? Your external circumstances do not determine that, only you can choose how to feel and be in the moment. Knowing that you are a unique perspective that sees the world through your own eyes and decides how you will feel each and every minute- that is powerful. That is miraculous. That is thriving. 

How does having a success mindset improve your life?

What is a success mindset? 
It is the perspective that you can do, be or have anything you desire. You know that somewhere out there you can learn it, you can ask for help, and you can find solutions to anything you focus your attention on. You believe that because you are desiring it, it must be possible or if someone else is doing it then so can you.

Lack mentality is the perspective that you can't have, be or do anything you desire. It's too hard to do, no one understands you so how could they help you, you can't be anything you want to because you have to conform to the opinions of others around you or you don't have the same opportunities that they have. There's always a reason why there's an obstacle or an excuse as to why it can't be true for you. 

The difference between these two perspectives is your choice. There will always be obstacles and challenges. You get to choose how you see the world and act accordingly. 
If you decide you can overcome those challenges, you will. Fear is a part of our human experience and helps us decide whether we are going to survive. 
When there is a true threat to our lives, fear is a natural feeling signaling to us that our life is on the line. In this case, fear can assist in the focus of the task of staying alive.
Perceived threat is just a fear of the unknown. We perceive that our life is being threatened, when really the situation is just stretching us beyond what we know to be safe. We are stepping outside of our comfort zones and into a new territory where we perceive there is no love. (If I step on this stage, will I be humiliated or supported in front of all these people?) This perceived threat can hold us back from accomplishing goals, living happy lives, and just being ourselves. 

Thriving, rather than surviving, is acknowledging the fear and overriding it, in order to have the new experience. Deciding that staying in the safety of the known is no longer what you desire and consciously stepping forward through the fear into the unknown. Letting yourself trust, through faith and intuition, that the unknown is going to bring you closer to what you desire. This is what it means to live in your highest potential- the courage to step forward into the unknown and create the life you want to live.

Your Gift to the World

What if the very thing you have been searching for in the world is the gift you are here to offer?

For example, you search for fun and exciting things to do and your gift is creating a fun experience for others. Or you crave feeling safe and you are here to create a safe place for others. Or you desire love and love is what you are here to offer the world.

That thing that you search for outside of yourself has been yours all along, inside you, and the world needs it. Go and give the world the very thing you crave and you have done your part.

What I crave is a safe space to be me, get in touch with the truth of my emotions and life situations, and talk about it with someone that I trust. Having the space to figure out what my next step is, or how to overcome a challenge in my life, these times have been the most profound life-changing moments for me. It has not been easy to find people who can hold that kind of space for me. 

This is why I offer this kind of attention and space to my clients. I know how much it's needed, how deeply wonderful it feels to be heard and seen, and how it can change a perspective and direction in life. It feels truly amazing to me to offer the thing that I crave most in life. I give to this others so that I know someone out there received the gift of presence from me.

My Story....

I know that you are meant for great things in your life.

I know this because when I was young, I didn't know where to begin, I just knew I had to keep following my heart.  I was just like you...

My world changed at the age of eighteen when I went to massage school and began working with people in a healing way. As I learned about the energy systems of the body, something interesting happened. During an energy healing class I felt a tap on my shoulder and heard a voice saying, "You're on the right path." I thought it was my teacher until I turned around to find no one behind me. This was the beginning.

Also during that time, I learned Reiki. During a Reiki two class, we were learning about long distance healing. In class one day, I was giving a long distance healing to someone that was a stranger to me, but a close friend of another classmate. I started by connecting with this person in my mind and imagining that I was scanning their whole body. As I did this, I felt things about them: what they were feeling, things that were going on their body and in their life. I didn't know it at the time, but I was experiencing my first intuitive reading. When it came time to share with the class our experiences, I heard what other students had experienced. They felt warmth, saw colors, and felt happy. There was nothing specific. So at first, I felt weird, and questioned whether I had done it right! But I decided to share with my classmate what I felt and saw. She had tears in her eyes and asked me how I knew all of this about her friend? I didn't really know how I knew, but I felt I was on to something that felt very right and good. It was my path. 

I also had the experience of meeting a teacher who was a massage therapist and also a "Medium" which at the time, I didn't know what that meant. Today I know that it means she was connected to spirits on the other side. She told me that she saw spirit guides around me and that I had messages to give others. She encouraged me to do some automatic writing. This started the journey for me of receiving insight and information that feels like clear truth. I have used this technique for the last twenty years and it's been very helpful in connecting with intuitive information. 

I worked as a massage therapist for 10 years. During my massage career, I would feel, sense and know information about my clients. Especially when I was in a focused, clear mental state while giving them a massage. It would come in as a passing thought, a feeling in my body, an emotion, or just a knowing about something that they hadn't shared with me, but somehow I just knew. I never told them, unless it was someone I had worked with before and felt comfortable sharing the information with them.

At some point I became really dissatisfied with being a massage therapist. I would feel tired and depressed at the end of the day, instead of inspired and energized. I was taking on the energy of my clients, but didn't know that was possible or what to do about it.

During those years, in my personal life, I was frustrated and distracted. I would busy myself with partying, non-stop activity and sugar. I couldn't quite put my finger on why I wasn't truly happy.

In the quiet moments I would look at my life and feel sad, knowing that there must be a greater purpose for me. Somewhere deep in me, I knew, I wanted to help people in a different way than what massage offered- a physical support, but not the mental, emotional and spiritual support that I felt was possible.

But I was afraid to fully embrace my intuitive abilities. I went through a phase of ignoring my intuition. I didn't want to scare people with it and I also didn't know how to use it properly. I wondered if I was just making it up. I wondered if I really used it, would I be accepted or understood? I lived in the psychic closet for a long time! I was scared to really step out into the world with my true work. I was also hiding an important part of myself (from myself and the world) and that was my ability to use my intuition for good in my life.

Somewhere along the way I discovered something amazing. The more I use my intuition to guide me, the more fulfilling and clear my life has become.

One night in particular, I couldn't sleep and was restless all night. I opened up to my own inner guidance and asked for help. And finally, I listened. I got the clear answer to completely change my life.

I left Portland (where I lived for ten years) and moved to Maui to start fresh, get healthy and get clear in my true path.

I retired from massage in order to focus fully on my true calling as an intuitive practitioner, mentor and coach. I devoted myself to honing and fine tuning my skill, educating myself until it became the nurturing tool that it is today. I've worked with many people over the past number of years and it has been such a joy to do this meaningful work.

My life has been more fulfilling and purposeful since I came to fully listen and integrate my intuition into my daily practice. I have learned that when I don't pay attention to it, I feel sad, lost and frustrated. When I do listen to it, I am inspired, and in awe with how I am guided in my life. 

Well, there you go. Now you know about me.

Now let's get back to you and see how we can get you headed in the direction of the life that makes you say, "YES!" Click Here.

Matching Vibrations

When you are feeling out of sync with a situation, you have a choice to make. You can either let your frequency get in sync and match the other one, or you can leave the situation and find other matching frequencies.

In fact, this is what intuition is, on the most fundamental level, it is coming in contact with a frequency and matching or not matching its frequency. Either you feel in alignment with its vibration and you feel right and good. Or you feel out of alignment and feel out of sync and wrong. Is it a YES, or is it a NO? That is intuition at its simplest form.

In fact, it is a path of self discovery of what feels like you and what doesn’t feel like you. When something matches you, it heightens your vibration to its highest potential. You are able to express yourself fully and vibrate at the energetic level that feels most expressive to you. When something does not match your vibration, it dulls or lowers your own vibration, causing you to be at a vibrational energy that is not your own natural state, and leaves you feeling out of sync with yourself.

When we are vibrating our energy pattern at a level of continual growth and expansion, and in alignment with everything around us, we are living in our greatest potential.

How would the world change?

What would the world look like if we all openly experienced our intuitive and psychic abilities, and knew that we could create our own realities based on the truth of our unlimited being-ness, rather than on the limited beliefs that are programmed into us by parents, society, religion, and governments? And what would the world be like if we based our educational system on this reality?

This is a dream of mine. That our children will come in knowing, feeling, sensing and perceiving reality for the truth of what it is... and instead of being told the be quiet and sit down, don't talk about people in "that" way, be told that it's just their imagination... they are taught to listen to their bodies, pay attention to their emotional needs as they develop in a healthy environment that teaches them about needs, believe that they can accomplish anything they set their mind to- seeing the end result with success- and know that their thoughts create a chain reaction of events that turn imagination into reality.

What if we taught our children to listen to their intuition and helped them grow in an environment that supports trusting themselves, supports educational focus on topics that inspire and light them up, and supports emotional intelligence? This is a world I would like to live in.

Start Now

At any point in your life, it's never too late to begin. Just start where you are with what you have. At any other point in your life, you wouldn't have had all that you do have now- perspective, experience, and knowing what you really desire- so now is the perfect time to start. You have so much to gain if you start today....

For me, I started my business at the age of 34. However, I have known about my intuitive abilities since I was 18 and known that I wanted to help people in this way since then as well. When I started my business, all of the thoughts ran through my head, "Why didn't I do this before?", and "I'm so behind all of the other successful people that have been running their businesses for years". But, when I look back, I didn't have the drive, motivation or experience under my belt to make a business happen. As a 34 year old woman, I did have all of those things. It is all in perfect timing for the maturity level, focus and drive that I have now. Two years later, I am so happy I began when I did.

So, if you find yourself feeling like it's too late for you or that others have been doing it for a long time and you missed the boat- stop right there. Start today. In a year or five years, you will be so happy you did!

Be You

Your intuition is a natural sensory guidance system, a way for you to understand yourself more clearly. In fact, it is just bringing you closer to your purpose, which is the be the fullest expression of you. Everything you do, say, think, and feel- is it you, or is it not you? Every part of your being is telling you what feels right and good in the moment. By listening to your intuition, you are actually saying YES to yourself. Yes to your purpose. Yes to creating your magnificent life.