Five Steps to Creating Your Perfect Future Now!

Nothing is Written in Stone. You have a choice. A choice to believe what you want to believe, behave how you want to behave and live your life in any way you decide! How do you go about creating your perfect future?

1. Decide what you really want:
Do you want a loving partnership? A high paying job? The career of your dreams? A vacation home in Malibu? A life full of love, gratitude, and harmony? Get specific about everything you would like to have in your perfect future life scenario.

2. Define all the feelings that this perfect life would give you:
How do you feel when you have all of the things in place in your perfect life?
Do you feel loved? Do you feel secure? Do you feel purposeful and creative? Generous and open? Do you feel free? What is the core experience and feelings that you would be having if you were in your perfect life? Define what the core desired feelings are in your life.

3. Define anything that is holding you back from having those feelings right now:
Do you feel unworthy of love? Do you feel incapable or lazy about going for your dream job? Do you feel trapped in something that doesn’t satisfy your creative yearnings? Do you feel afraid of losing something? Or that you will fail? What do you place in front of feeling those good feelings right now? Where do those negative feelings come from? When did you decide that you couldn’t be happy right now in this moment? When did you decide that you can’t have everything that you truly desire in your life? You have a choice to decide differently, right now in this very moment.

4. Connect with and let yourself feel all the feelings of step number two, Right Now.
Imagine that you don’t need the perfect partner to feel love in your heart right now. Imagine that you don’t need the high paying job to feel secure in this exact moment. Imagine that all it takes to have your dream career is being YOU, to your fullest capacity. Imagine that you don’t need the vacation home in Malibu to experience freedom in this exact moment. Imagine that you can be full of love, gratitude and harmony right now. Let yourself feel it right now. Let yourself release all of the past story of your life. Just focus on the feeling in this moment with nothing attached to it. Fill up with that love and abundance. Feel all of those feelings right now.

5. Let yourself feel the feelings of your perfect life right now and let it FUEL you to create all that you want in life. Take action from that place of love within you.
Fill yourself up with deep love for yourself, and as you do that, know that you are irresistible to someone that is looking for love.
Fill yourself up with the feeling of abundance and security, with a feeling that you will not settle for anything less than what you deserve, and act from that place when interviewing for a high paying job.
Fill yourself up with confidence that you can have the career of your dreams, just by the commitment and dedication to knowing that it is what you want more than anything else and you will do anything to make it happen.
Fill yourself up with gratitude and harmony and notice how things become harmonic around you.

You have the choice to make your future what you want it to be, just by living the feelings that you desire to have, right now. Go live it!