Start Now

At any point in your life, it's never too late to begin. Just start where you are with what you have. At any other point in your life, you wouldn't have had all that you do have now- perspective, experience, and knowing what you really desire- so now is the perfect time to start. You have so much to gain if you start today....

For me, I started my business at the age of 34. However, I have known about my intuitive abilities since I was 18 and known that I wanted to help people in this way since then as well. When I started my business, all of the thoughts ran through my head, "Why didn't I do this before?", and "I'm so behind all of the other successful people that have been running their businesses for years". But, when I look back, I didn't have the drive, motivation or experience under my belt to make a business happen. As a 34 year old woman, I did have all of those things. It is all in perfect timing for the maturity level, focus and drive that I have now. Two years later, I am so happy I began when I did.

So, if you find yourself feeling like it's too late for you or that others have been doing it for a long time and you missed the boat- stop right there. Start today. In a year or five years, you will be so happy you did!