My Story....

I know that you are meant for great things in your life.

I know this because when I was young, I didn't know where to begin, I just knew I had to keep following my heart.  I was just like you...

My world changed at the age of eighteen when I went to massage school and began working with people in a healing way. As I learned about the energy systems of the body, something interesting happened. During an energy healing class I felt a tap on my shoulder and heard a voice saying, "You're on the right path." I thought it was my teacher until I turned around to find no one behind me. This was the beginning.

Also during that time, I learned Reiki. During a Reiki two class, we were learning about long distance healing. In class one day, I was giving a long distance healing to someone that was a stranger to me, but a close friend of another classmate. I started by connecting with this person in my mind and imagining that I was scanning their whole body. As I did this, I felt things about them: what they were feeling, things that were going on their body and in their life. I didn't know it at the time, but I was experiencing my first intuitive reading. When it came time to share with the class our experiences, I heard what other students had experienced. They felt warmth, saw colors, and felt happy. There was nothing specific. So at first, I felt weird, and questioned whether I had done it right! But I decided to share with my classmate what I felt and saw. She had tears in her eyes and asked me how I knew all of this about her friend? I didn't really know how I knew, but I felt I was on to something that felt very right and good. It was my path. 

I also had the experience of meeting a teacher who was a massage therapist and also a "Medium" which at the time, I didn't know what that meant. Today I know that it means she was connected to spirits on the other side. She told me that she saw spirit guides around me and that I had messages to give others. She encouraged me to do some automatic writing. This started the journey for me of receiving insight and information that feels like clear truth. I have used this technique for the last twenty years and it's been very helpful in connecting with intuitive information. 

I worked as a massage therapist for 10 years. During my massage career, I would feel, sense and know information about my clients. Especially when I was in a focused, clear mental state while giving them a massage. It would come in as a passing thought, a feeling in my body, an emotion, or just a knowing about something that they hadn't shared with me, but somehow I just knew. I never told them, unless it was someone I had worked with before and felt comfortable sharing the information with them.

At some point I became really dissatisfied with being a massage therapist. I would feel tired and depressed at the end of the day, instead of inspired and energized. I was taking on the energy of my clients, but didn't know that was possible or what to do about it.

During those years, in my personal life, I was frustrated and distracted. I would busy myself with partying, non-stop activity and sugar. I couldn't quite put my finger on why I wasn't truly happy.

In the quiet moments I would look at my life and feel sad, knowing that there must be a greater purpose for me. Somewhere deep in me, I knew, I wanted to help people in a different way than what massage offered- a physical support, but not the mental, emotional and spiritual support that I felt was possible.

But I was afraid to fully embrace my intuitive abilities. I went through a phase of ignoring my intuition. I didn't want to scare people with it and I also didn't know how to use it properly. I wondered if I was just making it up. I wondered if I really used it, would I be accepted or understood? I lived in the psychic closet for a long time! I was scared to really step out into the world with my true work. I was also hiding an important part of myself (from myself and the world) and that was my ability to use my intuition for good in my life.

Somewhere along the way I discovered something amazing. The more I use my intuition to guide me, the more fulfilling and clear my life has become.

One night in particular, I couldn't sleep and was restless all night. I opened up to my own inner guidance and asked for help. And finally, I listened. I got the clear answer to completely change my life.

I left Portland (where I lived for ten years) and moved to Maui to start fresh, get healthy and get clear in my true path.

I retired from massage in order to focus fully on my true calling as an intuitive practitioner, mentor and coach. I devoted myself to honing and fine tuning my skill, educating myself until it became the nurturing tool that it is today. I've worked with many people over the past number of years and it has been such a joy to do this meaningful work.

My life has been more fulfilling and purposeful since I came to fully listen and integrate my intuition into my daily practice. I have learned that when I don't pay attention to it, I feel sad, lost and frustrated. When I do listen to it, I am inspired, and in awe with how I am guided in my life. 

Well, there you go. Now you know about me.

Now let's get back to you and see how we can get you headed in the direction of the life that makes you say, "YES!" Click Here.