Going Back to Source

I have witnessed a lot of people in fear and pain. Too easily though people turn to medications or shutting down and numbing out. When I see this, I just want to reach out and help them look at the source where it all began, ask their bodies why they are hurting, rediscover the old memory that brings up triggers, really begin the process of healing. It may not be easy, it may hurt along the way, but really where you are going is back to Source. Back to remembering who you are, why you are here, and what you can learn from all that is residing in your body and emotions. But of course, this is a choice that one must make on their own. If it doesn't start from a true deep desire to heal from the inside out, it won't happen from the outside in.

The practice of going back to source can start small.  It can start with a conversation with your body or your emotions.  Go into that achy shoulder pain and ask your body, when did this start?  Was it a physical reaction or an emotionally stressing time period?  Look a little deeper into the beginning origin of this pain.  There is a message for you, something your body and emotions have been trying to tell you for a long time.  Once you find the source of the pain, go deeper.  Is there a belief that was born from the initial day the pain began? Or a defense mechanism that is no longer serving it's purpose? Is there a truth that you haven't been wanting to face?  Find that truth.  When you find truth, you find love, which is Source. 

This is a path of healing those old wounds that you are carrying with you every day like a heavy suitcase.  Put down that suitcase, open it up and really take a look at what you are carrying around with you.  Some things you may have outgrown with out even noticing.  Others might be little gems that are more valuable now and can be put to a different use.  You may surprise yourself and decide that you don't need any of it anymore!

The closer you take a deep long look at yourself the more you will see that beautiful spark of a loving spirit that you are at the core of you.  All these layers of life experience along the way have made you the rich and complex human being that you are, and that is something to love and revel in!  Look at your life through the eyes of Source.