Love Your Body

Right now I am seeing this wave of body image obsession, losing weight, diets (vegan, paleo, juicing, shakes, pills, etc), having a personal trainer, getting the right exercise (cardio or weight-lifting), looking as good as the models, over-using sex appeal for marketing, photoshoped pictures etc, etc....

How can we live up to all that? How can we be the most beautiful versions of ourselves possible without forcing ourselves into a box of what we, as a society, think beauty is? How can we except ourselves as we are?

Let your body guide you. Stop looking outside and begin to ask inside. Stop looking at the outside physical version of yourself. Let your body tell you what it really wants. Let your thoughts be stilled and begin a true relationship with your body. Ask your body right now, "What can I do for you (body) that will make you feel loved and cared for in this moment?" Then listen. You may be surprised at what your body tells you. It may tell you that it does want that cookie after all. Or it may tell you that it really wants a glass of water, or a cucumber. It may tell you that it wants to dance! Or take a bath, or run and breathe deeply. Once you begin this inner dialogue with your body, you will feel your body responding. At first it will be a quiet response, and soon, your body will begin to shift into a state of ease and joy! It will start showing you what love can do! It will grow into it's most beautiful version of itself! Beauty does not come from the outside of you, how you look, what you wear, how the world sees you. True beauty comes from that deep inner place of love beaming out! It comes from pure bliss shining through your eyes, it comes from muscles that are responding to the nutrients and movement that they need to be healthy, organs that are hydrated and rested, it comes from the smile on your lips that show pleasure from that pure expression of being you!

This experiment is something that I tried during a period of my life when I was feeling depressed and weighed the heaviest I had ever been.  One day I was tired of being sad and hating my body. I wanted to change. So, I asked my body, "what can I do to love you in this moment?" What happened was a lifestyle shift! My body told me it wanted more protein and exercise. It wanted sunshine and warmth. It wanted fresh fruits and veggies. It didn't want the pastries and cookies I had been using to fill my emotional needs. Over six months I lost 35lbs, and never looked back! Now, I have to say I am looking and feeling the best I have ever in my life at age 35. And I continually ask my body what it needs to feel loved.