External Overload

We have learned how to live in an external world. The answers come from what society says is right, commercialism, the drug cure-all culture, television, cultural norms and from everyone else telling you what you should or should not do. We carry the weight of other peoples opinions and compare ourselves to what they are doing, saying and thinking. We want someone else to tell us the answers, but when they do, we can’t actually hear it.
When you get answers from somewhere else, you can understand it on an intellectual level, but not in a palpable, integrated, internal level.  Unless you experience it for yourself.

The question, “WHAT do you do?” has taken us away from identifying WHO we are and WHY we are here. It pulls us in the direction of achievement and material gain. It challenges us to DO external things, instead of BE ourselves. It sends the message to us: It doesn’t matter WHO you are, it only matters what you are externally doing. It sends the message: YOU are not enough just being who you are. You have to be more than that, you have to DO something to matter. This is a root attitude that has lead a lot of people into dark places within themselves. It has lead some on a search to find out why they even matter.

Guess what? You do matter! And all you have to DO is BE you, and find out what brings you joy. Then share that joy (your WHY) with the world! A better question would be, “WHY do you do what you do?”

But don’t listen to me. Find out for yourself with your own answers.