5 Ways To Feel Excited About Your Life Today!

1. Get Curious!

Read a book, watch a youtube video, have a conversation with a friend that inspires you, or ask a new question. Learning something new is way to stretch yourself into what is out there, what is possible, what other people are doing, or how you could be doing something even better with more intention and knowledge behind your actions.

2. Expand Your Love.

Whether you are in a relationship or not, you can be moving in a direction of love. If you are in a relationship, what are the things that you and your partner are doing to expand together? This can be as simple as having a conversation about life together, or taking a walk together in a new place. It can be easy to slip into a routine that becomes mundane day after day, year after year with your partner if you are not intentionally building, changing or moving in a new direction together. Get inspired by what you are creating together on a daily basis! If you are not in a relationship, what are you doing to love yourself more every day? What is it about your life that stirs passion in your heart? How are you engaging with life in a way that gives you purpose and focus? Find new ways to express your love to the world and yourself every day!

3. Plant seeds.

Ask yourself, what are the thoughts and ideas that inspire me today? Those ideas are the beginning spark of what is possible in your life. By cultivating and paying attention to what inspires you, an idea can become a reality very quickly. Just as a seed becomes a plant with a little water, sunshine and time... take your idea, turn it into a goal, act on it and watch it become a part of your reality. What do you want your life to look like next month, next year or in five years? Start planting those seeds today.

4. Move!

Stagnancy in life is a signal that something needs to shift. Sometimes we are not even aware of what needs to change, we just know we are stuck. How do you get unstuck? Move your body! We, on an atomic level, are just balls of energy in constant movement. This is our natural state of being. To get things moving again, it can be as easy as taking a walk, or a run. When you engage your body with movement, the ideas start flowing, and the energy begins to stir. You may find that by the end of the walk, you feel the beginning of a shift already.

5. Grow.

Life is a constant state of growth, change, and movement. When we find ourselves stuck, it is a signal to take a look at what exactly we have gotten stuck on. If we are not learning, growing or changing, this is a moment to pause and see how we can move the energy again. It is time to ask yourself, what can I do to create movement again in this area of my life? If you have ever found yourself bored, apathetic or complacent in life, you may want to pay attention to how you are applying yourself to growth. Take a moment to look at the ways you feel stagnant in your life. What is it that you are needing to pay attention to? How are you relating to your partner? How you are engaging in your work? Is it a habit that needs to change? Or a belief that is limiting you? Understanding new ideas can help us think about life in totally different ways. If you have only one way of looking at your reality and it makes you feel limited, maybe it's time to learn a new way to explore possibilities. How can you grow today? What are you looking forward to learning and creating tomorrow?