Finding Answers..... A Life Lead By Intuition

There was a time in my life when I felt lost. I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life and felt depressed, unfulfilled and a nagging feeling of knowing that there was something more. However, I didn't know how to go about finding it.  My answer to everything was, "I don't know", which gave me a sense of defeat and frustration. What do you want to do? I don't know. Where do you want to live? I don't know. Are you happy? I don't know.

This was a time when I was rejecting my intuition and trying to live a "normal" life. I was working as a massage therapist and had a great social life and living situation. So what was wrong? I didn't know!! But the nagging feeling grew so strong that it pulled on me every day, into a place of deep dissatisfaction.

Well, something happened that changed all of that... my intuition tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Follow Me!" This was on one particular night when I couldn't sleep for the life of me! I tossed and turned, tried reading, and ended up taking a bath at 3 am. Finally, going back to bed and drifting into that in between state of sleep and wake. At 5 am my intuition showed up. It was like an epiphany, telling me that I could make into reality whatever I truly wanted. On that night, what I truly wanted was to quit my job, leave the city I lived in, and travel to Asia.

After that night, I have followed my intuition and it has lead me to living authentically and knowing I can really do what I want to do. I just have to know exactly what it is that I want to do!

How did I discover what dreams I had and how to actualize them? I started asking myself questions. Not just general questions... specific questions, intelligent questions, hard hitting questions. I became an investigator interviewing myself. Then, I let myself grow quiet and listen. Then I felt my heart and what it was trying to tell me. And finally, my intuition answered.

Now I live my life lead by intuition. This has shifted me into feeling confident in the decisions I make, feeling fulfilled in all that I do on a daily basis, and having deeper more satisfying relationships. I really love and appreciate my life!

Are you feeling directionless, lost or in a state of "I don't know"? Become an investigator, start asking yourself questions, and let your life be lead by intuition.