Trust Yourself, Follow Your Joy, and Use Your Intuition.

The number one thing people struggle with when first opening up to their intuition is trusting it! The thoughts that run through your mind are, "Am I making this up? How do I know it's my Intuition? and What if my intuition tells me something that is scary or I don't want to know?"

"Am I Making This Up?" The first question speaks to using a new muscle called creative imagination. That is where intuition begins, in your creative mind. It is using your senses to pick up information and make meaning from it. This is a subconscious thing that we are doing all the time. However, the skill of training your intuition is turning that subconscious process into a conscious act. Its like building muscle memory in a new way. It takes time and TRUST to build it into a conscious skill.

"How do I know its my intuition?" The second question addresses the small voice inside you. It's not the loud voices of others telling you what you SHOULD do, or the voice of logic telling you what to do or NOT to do. Its the loving voice within you that speaks of your hearts TRUTH. You know it's your intuition when you feel a deep sense of relief, love, knowing without a doubt, and that "aha" moment flashes through your whole body.

"What if my intuition tells me something that is scary or I don't want to know?" This question steps into the space of truth. If you have been living a life that on some subconscious level you know is not healthy for you, facing the truth can be scary and hard. It means owning up to what is really going on in your life and being accountable for it. It means taking responsibility for things that may be very painful or hard to deal with. Your intuition is only your own heart telling you, with love, what you already know on some level. If that means changing a part of your life that you are not ready to face, it will be scary. Just know that whatever your intuition tells you, comes from a place of love, truth, and your deepest desires. This is your heart talking to you... do you have the courage to listen to it?

Follow your joy. What lights you up, opens your heart and makes you want to laugh out loud with a "YES"? When you pay attention to that feeling, you are tuning in to your intuition in a deep way. Joy is a state that only comes when you are fully present in the moment, being at the right place and time, standing in your truth, and fully being who you are... right then and there. When you follow your joy, you are letting your heart lead the way. You are trusting your intuition all the way. Let your life be guided by this feeling every day. Ask yourself, "What would bring me joy in this moment?" When you hear the real answer, go and do it, right now.

This week I am doing some periscopes about Intuition! Follow me @fawnintuition. Periscope is a fun and easy way to get yourself out there in a raw, real atmosphere. This is a great medium for anyone who needs a little kick in the butt about getting out in public and showing their face to the world (ME!). Check it out and try it for yourself if you haven't done it yet. I will be answering some live questions on there, so don't hesitate to sign up for periscope and ask me some questions.