Key to living: knowing who you are and what you want

You are not that job description, that angry reaction, or the victim of that traumatic event. You are something more than that, more fluid, glorious and powerful than that. 

You are a unique energy pattern. One perspective of consciousness that feels, sees, knows and behaves from your point of view. Only you know the full experience of yourself and your life.

You get to decide how you will be in any moment. You get to respond to every stimulus, event, person and interaction in the way that feels best for you. That is your choice to make. 

All of the external influences, energies and experiences are there, in existence, but how you attach meaning to them or identify with them is up to you. You can just as easily pivot in another direction as you can embrace what is before you. Even in chains there is freedom. 

Inside you is this spark of life force energy that moves and generates experience. Eventually, each act, each breath, each emotion and moment, adds up to a life-time. How you spend your time creates this life. 

There is no right or wrong, there is only you and what you desire to do with your time. Love, connect, explore, play, get angry or sad, get excited, be reckless, be open, be closed. Be wise, be foolish. Anything and everything that exists is yours to experience. And, just because something exists doesn't mean that has to be a part of your personal experience. 

What do you truly want out of this life of yours? Your external circumstances do not determine that, only you can choose how to feel and be in the moment. Knowing that you are a unique perspective that sees the world through your own eyes and decides how you will feel each and every minute- that is powerful. That is miraculous. That is thriving.