Fear is an Amazing Gift

Fear is an amazing gift. Fear is telling you that you've come up against a growth edge. You are looking past what you've known, what is safe. You are staring into the unknown. The place of possibility is right in front of you, but anything can happen and you have to risk losing everything that you know in order to experience that which you don't know yet. 

If you are feeling fear- ask this fear what it wants to tell you. It has a story for you, a reason why it's coming up. Maybe in the past you experienced something that was deeply painful and the fear wants to keep you safe from feeling that pain again. Maybe there is something you've never done before and the fear is trying to make sure you don't feel the pain of failure or embarrassment from doing this new thing the wrong way. 

Love this fear. Let it know that it's safe to feel afraid. Let it know that it's safe to learn from old pain and disappointments. It is safe to do it wrong and try again. It is safe to be in a dangerous situation and walk away or create boundaries around what you will and will not subject yourself to. 

If this fear is present, there is nothing you need to do other than to be with the fear. Any actions you take while in fear will only be a desperate act out of fear, an action taken in fear. 

The true actions come when you are no longer in fear and instead are in a peaceful state, a state of love. These actions from a peaceful state will feel clear and right, bringing you where you need to be in the next step of creating the things you most desire in your life. 

Let yourself be with the fear, acknowledge it, love it and finally, once you see the truth of the fear- once you see that there is nothing to be afraid of because you have stopped identifying with the fear and now there is nothing to lose- you let it go. 

Once you let go of fear, there is room for the next action step to show up. It becomes clear how to move forward in love and take inspired action towards what you really want to create in your life.