Finding Answers..... A Life Lead By Intuition

There was a time in my life when I felt lost. I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life and felt depressed, unfulfilled and a nagging feeling of knowing that there was something more. However, I didn't know how to go about finding it.  My answer to everything was, "I don't know", which gave me a sense of defeat and frustration. What do you want to do? I don't know. Where do you want to live? I don't know. Are you happy? I don't know.

Love Your Body

Right now I am seeing this wave of body image obsession, losing weight, diets (vegan, paleo, juicing, shakes, pills, etc), having a personal trainer, getting the right exercise (cardio or weight-lifting), looking as good as the models, over-using sex appeal for marketing, photoshoped pictures etc, etc....

How can we live up to all that? How can we be the most beautiful versions of ourselves possible without forcing ourselves into a box of what we, as a society, think beauty is? How can we except ourselves as we are?

Going Back to Source

I have witnessed a lot of people in fear and pain. Too easily though people turn to medications or shutting down and numbing out. When I see this, I just want to reach out and help them look at the source where it all began, ask their bodies why they are hurting, rediscover the old memory that brings up triggers, really begin the process of healing. It may not be easy, it may hurt along the way, but really where you are going is back to Source.